Wednesday, February 28, 2007

So, How Stupid Is This.....

1) Ok, so I live in Kansas... Johnson County Kansas no less. Today the temperature was in the 60s, it was beautiful. Here we are at 10:30 p.m. in the midst of of horrible thunderstorm, hail, tornadoes dropping from the sky all over the place and they are predicting snow for tomorrow.

In Lenexa, Kansas the city engineers and the great minds don't believe in storm drains, they build lakes. It is their "Rain to Recreation" program. If I shop in this shit hole city I pay an extra sales tax for these wonderful lakes. My backyard is a lake due to the rain and the lack of adequate storm drainage. My next door neighbor is, as we speak, sandbagging the back part of his house because of the retention pool in his backyard. 6 years I have fought the city to put a stupid storm inlet on a cul de sac to prevent this... but no...

The real kicker is that now I-35, a major interstate, is underwater at 87th & I-35 because when the city sunk millions of dollars into the 87th Street renovation... they didn't put in a fucking storm drain. An entire section of a major U.S. interstate is now shut down because of stupid people and their lack of common sense. They make the big bucks for being idiots and I make piss and I at least have common sense.

2) Why don't people use spellcheck??? My grammar may suck but I use my spellcheck.

I am so tired of reading stuff online and every other word is misspelled. The emails I get from folks relating to my business, supposed business letters in fact are filled with misspellings.

Come on people you look like dolts when you misspell the easy words.... it pisses me off too. Not that this matters to anyone but think about your "first impression" I am not going to hire you to do squat if you can't spell or at least use your spellcheck.

3) A gal dropped by today and said that she has been trying to call me for a month, according to her, my phone has been disconnected or I am never home.

What do you say to something like that other than... are you calling the right number? I have had the same phone number for over 20 years, I work from home, my home phone rolls over to my cell phone when I do leave for 5 minutes and I have an answering machine. I haven't received any messages from her, I have received other phone calls and my bill is paid in full.

She seemed really annoyed that she "had" to drive all the way to my house because she was probably dialing the wrong number.

4) Why is Anna Nicole Smith still hogging the news? Do you really care that much about her? Nobody gave a rats ass when she was alive so what is the big ho ha now that she overdosed on drugs and in a horrible depression.

5) I read an interesting article the other day about the religious right and the war in Iraq., this article made a lot of sense to me. Remember, I live in Kansas where it has been legislated that evolution does not exist. I cannot be taught in schools... BUT, our new legislative body is trying to overturn this decision made by the former aka ousted legislators.

So, why is it that the "moral, religious right" loves war, don't want our kids taught proven scientific fact backed up by archaeological finding and studies, (they prefer abstract fiction based on 1 book), pick on folks for their genetic makeup, deny constitutional rights to all, no religion is the right religion unless it is their religion, try to intrude on personal issues of others?

The better question is... why do WE let THEM do these things? I guess it is because they have the money backing them up and we have facts and common sense.

Don't get me wrong, I am a so called Christian I just don't believe in war (for religious purposes or $$$), hate, bigotry (race, religion, sexual orientation) so I guess I am not a very good Christian.

6) What's up with Oprah? She has turned from the poor little girl made good to martyr and kiss ass to the stars. I quit watching her after the hurricane Katrina mess. She just pissed me off. Claiming to have been so poor and then saying she did know people lived like "that," like those who lived in the lower ninth ward. Oprah, honey, that's being poor.

Then she goes and relocates those people to another hurricane ridden area, Houston. Why did she boost the economy in overcrowded, crime ridden Houston instead of recently destroyed needs the money New Orleans? She must know the people that work for the city of Lenexa..... common sense people!!!!

I think that Oprah wasn't really poor they were able to pay the bills, eat do what had to be done.... kinda like me now. So I gave her another chance on her recent Oscar special which preempted one of my regular TV shows, and she was horrible. She was so uppity.

She builds schools in Africa but lots of kids in Chicago go hungry and don't have running water, according to one of her very own hidden camera, Lucy Lu documentaries. What is their school system like? She gets filthy rich off of her loyal viewers and then takes that money overseas. Are those kids that she educates going to stay in Africa or are they going to come to the U.S.? Will they take their education and help their fellow man or cut and run.

It makes me sad because I loved the old Oprah. Now she is cloning with Dr. Phil, Rachel Ray, and that dating guy.

I guess that is it for the night, whew I feel better getting all of that off my chest. The thunderstorm has quieted somewhat.

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