Friday, August 13, 2010

What Has Happened to the Handshake Agreement?

Once upon a time people would seal important and unimportant deals with a simple handshake. Today a handshake is not enough (as I recently learned), 2 lawyers have taken the place of making a handshake deal in the vast majority of cases no matter the complexity of the deal.

It is rather sad really that the morals and ethics of our society are only making attorneys richer.

I do believe in karma so to the people who 4 months ago backed out on their portion of our handshake deal and continue to make my life miserable...... you had better watch your p's and q's cause karma is a bitch.

Sunday, May 09, 2010

What is Wrong With People?????

What has happened to common human courtesy? I was born in Texas and spent most of my life there, it is home and it is also where I learned' Please, Thank You, Where Real Men held the door open for me, we said mam & sir (something I do to this day), if you saw someone in need such as a flat tire or broken down car you stopped to help (these days with laziness prevailing stopping and calling AAA would work).

When we lived in Singapore and Mexico City we had to be on our very best behavior. We were visitor's in these countries and my parent's did a lot of entertaining some of which involved having bigwigs over to the house or taking them out to dinner. My brother and I could not stab at our food, chew with out mouths open and we were taught the proper way to use a knife and fork to cut our food. We were invited to some pretty amazing places because we minded our manners and were courteous towards others. Mom and daddy would have left us at home if we weren't at the top of our game.

Saturday, April 03, 2010

More Sicko's in Kansas, Westboro "Baptist" Church

This is what you see at many military funerals in the area. A group of 12 or fewer encased in yellow caution tape (so they don't get the shit beat out of them) protesting; let me repeat that.. these mindless, idiots are protesting military funerals. They are willfully and knowingly creating greater grief for families and friends during a time of unmentionable sorrow. They do this in the name of God, their sick, distorted view of God.

I lowered myself and went to their horrible website to get a quote on why they picket and protest military funerals and the below is their perverted rationale;

"WBC engages in daily peaceful sidewalk demonstrations opposing the homosexual lifestyle of soul-damning, nation-destroying filth. We display large, colorful signs containing Bible words and sentiments, including: GOD HATES FAGS, FAGS HATE GOD, AIDS CURES FAGS, THANK GOD FOR AIDS, FAGS BURN IN HELL, GOD IS NOT MOCKED, FAGS ARE NATURE FREAKS, GOD GAVE FAGS UP, NO SPECIAL LAWS FOR FAGS, FAGS DOOM NATIONS, THANK GOD FOR DEAD SOLDIERS, FAG TROOPS, GOD BLEW UP THE TROOPS, GOD HATES AMERICA, AMERICA IS DOOMED, THE WORLD IS DOOMED, etc.

Perceiving the modern militant homosexual movement to pose a clear and present danger to the survival of America, exposing our nation to the wrath of God as in 1898 B.C. at Sodom and Gomorrah, WBC has conducted 43,023 such demonstrations since June, 1991, at homosexual parades and other events, including funerals of impenitent sodomites (like Matthew Shepard) and over 200 military funerals of troops whom God has killed in Iraq/Afghanistan in righteous judgment against an evil nation."

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I Have Hit a Wall

This year has not started off all that well and it is finally catching up with me.

Jan. 13 my mom passed away suddenly. As if that were not a big enough kick in the teeth; my dream, my antique shop that I had open for only 1 1/2 yrs had to close due to the economy. Our last day of business was Feb. 20 and we had to be out of the bldg. by Feb. 25.

I was doing pretty well up until 2 days ago, doing some of the final close up shop work, getting consignor's and dealer's sales entered (21 sales books worth), cleaning up my home work space and looking forward to planting my garden this year. Then WHAM I can't get anything done all I want to do is sleep,

I cannot stay on task with anything and this damn house (garage, patio and backyard) filled with boxes is driving me crazy. I know that it is depression, I have endured 2 great losses in a little over a months time. I have lost the person I would go to with problems such as the closing of my shop, issues with my daughter, etc. Now hubby has got a bug up his butt and I don't know why frankly at this point I could care less as long as he leaves me alone.

That's really all I have to say about this. I will get through this but it will take some time.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

It's about pocketbooks, not politics -

It's about pocketbooks, not politics -

I wish that I was getting mention in the ONE and only major newspaper in the KC metro area for any reason other than the one in this article.

I love Mike H. he does not beat around the bush ... or the Obama for that matter.

And a resounding NO to listening to what "Mr. Change" has to say tonight. He has nothing to say that I want to hear other than "I resign." Like his big head would let him do that, he hasn't finished destroying middle class America yet.

I am sorry but I am a little bitter that I am watching my dream, my AMERICAN DREAM, I am a fucking American, go down the crapper.

Despite the economy being crappy and effecting my business the apathetic attitude of the policy maker's in this city have done a great deal of harm to the Old Town area. I say this as a citizen of Old Town and as a business owner in the area. Apathy is what is running this country and apathy is what is killing this country.

I promise I will do everything in my power to bring the community back into the area. It is to late to save my business but maybe I can play a part in saving at least one small business in Old Town Lenexa.

Thanks Mike for another great article let's hope it makes at least one person think about "change" the next time they place their vote.