Friday, April 25, 2008

District Attorney Phil Kline is An IDIOT and Not Doing His Job

Today we hear that that the anti-choice zealots from "around the nation" (I think it is Mary Kay Culp and her cult) have sounded the call to arms to beg asshole Phil Kline to run for "re-election" as Johnson County Kansas DA.

He was not elected the first time he was appointed by the sages of the Republican party who don't have a complete brain between them. And I am a registered Republican..... LOL.

Anyway, good ole Phil decided that he was not going to toss his hat into the ring for the next election. Since he just can't abide by the laws of the country, state, county or any city nor is he capable of doing his job he pretty much figured that his chances of getting elected were pretty slim but those die hard anti-choice folks want him in office.

Why... you may ask? Because all he does is pick on Planned Parenthood. He has become obsessed with the fact that all that Planned Parenthood does is "illegal abortions" and they hide the fact that they do this. Oh please!!!!

Back in my poor days, not that I am wealthy like Mary Kay Culp, Planned Parenthood took care of my annual well woman exams, they provided me with birth control pills, they did the same for my oldest daughter when she went off of our insurance and will do so for our youngest. I never knew that they did abortions. I had actually called them a few years ago concerning this very matter and was told that they did not do them.

We have enough dead, worthless weight on the county payroll. We don't need a single issue DA, especially when his issue does not pertain to his job.

As to all you no choice people, I have spent almost half my life working with the kids who were unwanted and now neglected and abused. They go hungry, they are assaulted and insulted by their parent's. They are filthy because no one can be bothered to bathe them. They are failing in school and are court involved. Many will die or end up in the adult penal system before the age of 25.

So, what are you people doing for these children? Are you fostering? Adopting? Are you also guilty of neglect because you are away from home picketing abortion clinics when you should be home with your children? How much time have you spent with these neglected children in Johnson County?

You sit on your high judgemental horse while I go each month to the cemetery up the street and put flowers on the grave of a 3 year old baby girl who was swung like a baseball bat into a wall, head first. She did not die instantly, she lingered for a few hours suffering. No one wanted this baby when she was just a mass of tissue but they had her anyway because of people like you.

For years I helped a mother feed and care for her 5 children, not one of which she wanted but because each had a different father and the father's could not be found to give consent, she could not put them up for adoption. She did not have the money for abortions and her MD would not do a tubal because she was too young. I offered to pay for the first abortion but you people scared her away from the clinic. I hope the man that threw the fetus thing at me still has a lump on his nose from my fist.

What kind of "life" do you offer these children when you make such a stink about abortion? It is our right as American citizens to make a choice as to what we do with our bodies. Whether that be a tattoo, piercing, suntan or abortion. Ms. Culp has made comments about our Governor supporting the "abortion industry" as if our right to choose is something like the teamsters, sell our stocks on the open market... she is a few DNA strands short of a human being.

If Phil makes a run for DA, I will be on the front lines knocking him back. He was worthless as the Kansas Attorney General and he has been an even worse DA. He is incapable of telling the truth or following the law himself, so he appears to be a louse of a human being too.

He and Mary Kay can just huddle up together someplace and plan their next attack but it better not be in a County office.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I Love Rock and Roll but not the Sprint Center in KC,MO

Tonight I went to the first concert I have been to in ages, my daughter and I went to see Chris Daughtry and Bon Jovi at the Sprint Center in Kansas City, Missouri.

I LOVE Daughtry.... I have never watched American Idol but when I first heard this guys music I was hooked. Of course Bon Jovi isn't too bad but I went to see Daughtry. As with any opening act his session was way to short, 30 minutes and I saw him sing 1 song with Bon Jovi.

We ended up leaving with an hour still left to the concert mainly because it was hotter than hell in the Sprint Center. I was absolutely melting. Also, I have not stayed up to date on Bon Jovi songs and, since he is promoting his latest album, all of the songs were from that album... or at least the ones I stayed to hear. To tell you the truth, I was less than impressed. In the first hour they played only one of the old standards and they had Daughtry singing with them which really made it amazing.

Of course he is great to look at and Richie Sambora is no slouch either but after the energy of seeing Daughtry, Bon Jovi and the guys just didn't measure up. They seem to have gone a little soft and a tad country.

I was so disappointed in the Sprint Center. The sucker cost mucho millions to build and the the layout and system of getting people in and out is horrible. It is actually dangerous. This building was not built to handle as many people as they had in it with only 4 small stairways to get all those folks in and out.... I can't wait for the lawsuit when someone rolls down the stairs and gets trampled.

Oh well, Daughtry will put out many more amazing albums and by next summer he will be at Sandstone, a much better concert venue as far as I am concerned.

If you have not heard this man's music you must give it a listen. He runs the gamut from ballads to hard hitting rock and roll. I wish him and his band all the best in the future and I can't wait to see him as the headliner next time.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Barack Obama is an Elitist Pig

What is it with the Obamas? What is the "Change" that he is going to bring about? I have yet to hear anything specific. He is a dud on foreign policy, sure he has traveled but so have I. I have actually traveled to countries that he has not been to, I have dined with royalty and even dated a prince. Yes, an honest to goodness prince.

I went to school in Mexico City and South East Asia so I learned their politics, traditions, folklore and much more. Therefore, if traveling qualifies one as knowledgeable in foreign policy.... maybe you should vote for me. Oh.... I also have a daughter who just returned from Iraq. That one ups me on Obama.

His wife states that she has had no pride in her country until now?!?! Besides being an absolutely stupid and ignorant remark, what does it mean. She is just a plain ole snob and I do not want her living in MY white house.

Barack is supposedly such an educated man yet his grammar and the context in which he forms sentences is as bad or worse than the current presidents'. (I am not always grammatically correct but I am not running for the leader of the United States.... yet.)

The Obamas attended a church that was led by a religious, racist, zealot of the worst kind and they must have agreed with his teachings and preachings as they continued to attend his services. I have left several churches because I did not agree with the swill coming from the pulpit. So either he was in agreement with the pastor's teachings or he is a hypocrite.

Now Obama has stated that basically he is so much better than us middle class, working poor folks. He made a comment regarding small town, working class people as follows, "It's not surprising that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment."

Listen up Barack my man, I am bitter, I am pissed off that elitist pigs such as yourself are so out of touch with everyday people that you would make such an asshole remark.

I am angry that the cost of higher education is unobtainable for us working class folks, I am angry over gas prices, I am angry over the state of the economy, I am angry over the cost of health care, I am angry that children in this country go to bed hungry at night, I am angry that a person can kill a child through abuse and only get put away for 7 years yet get caught with a couple of joints and get 30 to life, I am angry that we are in a senseless war that has so far killed over 4000 Americans, I am angry that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer... we are losing the middle class. I am angry that snobs such as yourself get up and tell US what we are all about when you have not a clue.

I don't know who I will vote for in the upcoming election but I do know who I WILL NOT VOTE FOR and that is another elitist, rich kid who thinks he knows it all but in actuality knows nothing. The difference is this one does not have his daddy's money behind him he has Oprah's money backing him up.

Go back to your hole and your racist church Obama and family. Our country is in enough trouble we don't need your kind running the place and making an even bigger mess of things.

Oh, and FYI - I don't own a gun, I don't practice formal religion (due to hypocrisy being spewed from the pulpit) I am all for fair trade but incentives to keep industry and jobs in the U.S. so that we can work and pay our bills. Immigration is wonderful if done correctly and everyone pays their fair share and does it legally.