Friday, May 16, 2008

Gay Marriage Passed in California, Good For You!!

I am so glad that California is following the constitutional rights given to us all, the right to privacy and equality... this includes sexual orientation and who we choose to spend the rest of our lives with.

Of course Kansas is one of those states which has declared it unconstitutional to essentially have these rights because several years ago they wrote a constitutional amendment banning same sex marriage. As a heterosexual woman I felt very offended by this action and saw it as a step backwards in the treatment of human beings.

Women and blacks fought hard to get the right to vote, slavery was abolished, blacks were allowed to share space with whites, (we won't get into the holocaust) and here we are banning a group of people from sharing in the same rights enjoyed by the rest of us in this "free country."

The church folks always fall back onto "well the Bible says...."

The Bible also says that you will be put to death for cursing your parents or committing adultery. Yikes... granted these are not honorable acts to commit but I do believe that death is a little harsh. Also working on the Sabbath is an act that demands death... where does that put all of the preacher's and others that spout the word of God on a Sunday?

I would love to see every state in the U.S. allow anyone who wants to get married to be allowed to do so, as long as they are of legal age. The Bible needs to be left out of this. Churches of all faiths need to find a way to acknowledge and celebrate these unions, not hate the people involved and label them as sinners, heathens, etc.

I also think that it is time for everyone to acknowledge that the Bible is not a book to be taken literally (Billy Graham has even stated this fact). In an interview with Newsweek he spoke of the way that with age and perspective has led him to reject the absolutism of the left and the right and to make his peace with the notion of God as a loving mystery. That he is not a "literalist" in in sense that every word in the Bible is from the Lord.

This has been my belief for many years and what has driven a wedge between me and structured religion. I have yet to find a church, in my area, that teaches the theory of the Bible and not hell fire and damnation.

I would like to see us all just get along and accept each one for who they are and quit hiding behind the Bible as an excuse for homophobia or intolerance.

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