Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Fun Online Shopping Site

I spend quite a bit of time online because of my work and of course there are times when I take off and just start browsing around.

The other day I came across a nice shopping site, I was actually looking for a chair to sleep in for those times when my grandchild comes to spend the night. I found out that it is actually called a guest sleeper chair thanks to this website.

Before my youngest daughter moved back home my grandchild had her own room at our house. Some of our most precious times are when the wee one is with us for a few days. We have amazing conversations, she tells me her secrets and catches me up on what is going on with her world. She is 11 years-old so her world changes quickly.

I have a twin bed in my home office and one of these smaller couches is perfect to put in the office. That way I can sleep in the bed and she can have the chair to sleep in.

Be sure to check out this site and see what 'must haves' you can find.

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