Saturday, July 09, 2011

We Have a Responsibility As Adults to Protect

Our children are, or should be, our most precious gift. With all the hoopla over Casey Anthony and the murder (sorry I don't agree with the jury of her peers) of her daughter this epidemic needs to be brought to light, discussed and acted upon.

  • Almost five children die every day as a result of child abuse. More than three out of four are under the age of 4.
If you paid any attention to the trial of Casey Anthony you heard how dysfunctional the entire family is. True or not? As the mother of a daughter in her early 20's I know that it is often not smooth sailing, we both have strong personalities and I don't currently approve of her choice in boyfriend. So we have our share of discord but thank goodness there is not a child involved because if there was this too would be a dysfunctional home.

  • It is estimated that between 60-85% of child fatalities due to maltreatment are not recorded as such on death certificates.
There were problems in the Anthony home, concerning Caylee, that were detected by friends and family but went totally unreported. I feel pretty certain that Mrs. Anthony did not approve of Casey's lifestyle and was the primary caregiver for Caylee. There was a falling out between mom and daughter, Casey took off with Caylee and we all know the end result.

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Casey Anthony Walks, What Is This World Coming To

The American 'Justice' system is badly broken. Someone has killed a child and no one is convicted of it not even the last person to have the child. I personally think it was a lazy jury. How can you listen to over a month of testimony and make a decision in just a little over 10 hours?

These 12 people plus alternates were tired of listening to the testimony and hearing evidence. They were sequestered during all this time and missed their July 4th celebrations. They were being selfish and did not want to take the time to see that justice was done.

When you sit