We had a great time yesterday. The day started like any other 4th of July with our town / city parade. We live on the parade route so we simply have to walk out the front door and plop down in the yard to watch it. My granddaughter thinks that this is HER parade since it comes by Granny's house... I wonder who convinced her of that, moi????
My youngest daughter had to work most of the day and then she went to her boyfriend's family celebration. I really missed her, this is the first 4th of July in 17 years that she hasn't been with us and it's the first time she has missed seeing the parade.... I'm sure she was heart-broken.
This year being an election year, meant an over abundance of politicians in the parade which is cool. I always have an agenda or issue and print of flyers to hand out when the parade folks come by. Yesterdays topic was the enforcement, or lack thereof of child support. We had 18 different politicians in the parade this year. There were also quite a few Shriner's and Mason's in their various and asundry little go carts, motorcycles and little bitty cars. Classic cars, Corvettes, only one marching band, several church groups, the Ren Fest folks... Huzzah, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and so forth.
From the parade we wandered next door and met up with neighbors to enjoy hamburgers and hot dogs, homemade ice cream and pie. It was my next door neighbor's 39 birthday.... boy he's in for it next year. Then it was on to my parent's house for a swim in their pool and dinner.
This year He Who Rocks My World didn't want to go watch fireworks so I went over to my oldest daughter's home where it is legal, more or less, to shoot off fireworks and watched the kids do several hundred dollars worth of pretty, sparkly fireworks. The small children did their sparklers, fire pooping hens, snakes and snappers while the children over the age of 25 did M-80s and the really good pretty stuff. It actually sounded like what a war zone must sound like with all of the surrounding homes in the area also blasting and blowing things into the air.
I had the opportunity to meet some of my daughter's friends and catch up with "kids" I hadn't seen in awhile. I met a very interesting young lady who had recently given birth to twin girls (I got to inhale their smell while I snuggled them). She is an ironworker, 1 of only 22 female ironworker's in the State. She is also a silversmith and makes jewelry and she dabbles in sculptural ironworking. She is a very talented and interesting woman. I hope to spend more time with her and her babies... of course I offered to babysit if she needs me.
Round about 11:30 pm I was done in and came home. Both my 4 legged babies were wired from all of the fireworks so we ate a few cookies, crawled into bed and zonked out.
All in all this was one of the most stress free 4th of Julys I have had in ages.... and I hope to have many more like it.
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