I think I am going to go crazy!!!! I am covered in bug bites!!!! I have chigger and mosquito bites. I itch like a dog with fleas. I have bites in some very inappropriate places and I am to the point that I scratch without thinking... it's not a pretty sight and it is also very unlady like.
I have used every bug spray on the market, including Avon's Skin so Soft, which has worked in years past. I have taken so much Benadryl that it is a wonder that I am even able to function, I do nap a lot.
Spiders have also invaded my house but I just can't wrap my brain around the fact that these might be spider bites. That would just freak me out way too bad. We have sprayed for them inside and out to no avail. My neighbor's say they too are having a problem with the spiders this year.
HELP ME PLEASE! What are some good bug repellants that won't kill me.
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