My family is coming to town!!!! Yipee!!! Well, my brother, sister-in-law, niece and nephew that is. My parent's live up here. I haven't seen my brother and his family in over 2 years when I went to Texas to bury my ex-husband.
They are coming up for my youngest daughter's graduation party on Saturday. I am so excited to see them.
The kids are going to stay for a week or so then I will take them home (and do some antiquing while I'm on the road). I will probably take my granddaughter with me. I need to get out of Kansas, even if it's only for a couple of days. This godforsaken place will suck the life out of you. It's like living in the Twilight Zone.
I adore my family. I have always been a big family person, no matter where I was or what I was doing in my life I stayed in contact with aunts and uncles. Whenever we would travel, we had to go to East Texas and Louisiana to see my relatives. I am so very glad that I did this because now they are gone. I still have a couple of my Daddy's siblings left but everyone else is gone and I miss them terribly.
On the other hand you have families like my husband's. He is the oldest of 7 all of which live within 20 miles of each other except for one. They never talk, they never get together. He does talk to one of his brothers' every now and then and we stay up on each others lives. But if any of the others show up for the party on Saturday I will be very surprised..... shocked is more like it. When their mom passed away some years ago several of the sister's were all mournful because they had been feuding with her, they hadn't talked to her in months. I don't think that they have forgiven themselves to this day for that.
Well I got off track from my original thought. Let's all pray for my brother to have a safe trip up from Texas and a good time to be had by all.
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