While their graduation ceremonies couldn't have been more different they were of equal importance.
The high school ceremony was filled with straight faces, seriousness and tears. Out of a class of 500 students, 19 were singled out over and over again for their academic achievement. The sports team members were singled out for, I guess being on the teams. There was no mention of community service, arts, journalism or other school involvement. But I guess in this day and age it is all about test scores and winning teams.
The pre-K ceremony on the other hand, was a joy. They entered to auditorium with their little caps and gowns on as well as plastic sunglasses singing "We Will Rock You." As they received their diploma, each child was allowed to say what they had learned in pre-K and why it was important to them. Their answers ranged from learning to tie their shoes to learning to read (my grandbaby).
They sang songs about us all being equal, like a rainbow, and heard from their peers about what to expect in Kindergarten.
Both nights of graduation filled me with great pride for these amazing girls. I also went through enough tissues to stuff a king-sized quilt.
Next year is my only nephew's graduation....
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