Saturday, December 16, 2017

Yes, I am Still Around


I have to admit that since the November Presidential election I have made myself scarce online with the exception of work. To be perfectly honest I believe I am like many people, just a wee bit in shock and each day brings about something else that is shocking or down right ignorant from the man in office.

I miss the soothing words of encouragement from a POTUS after a horrible event such as the shooting in Las Vegas and Texas. I am not big on Twitter and find it childish that this is the preferred way for Donald to get short messages out to whomever about whatever.

Think about all of the men who have recently been outed over their actions to women. Yet Donald is in that same group, we heard it in his own words, and he is still sitting in OUR White House. I really hope that these women file a civil lawsuit against him. Donald has yet to remove himself from the daily operation of Trump Org.. I could go on and on about all the unethical moves on his part or that of a family member. I won't even talk about Donald's ties to Putin and his actions to convince us that all news is fake except for Fox no-news.

Living in a red state is not easy when one is more moderate than conservative. I prefer politicians who are familiar with the Constitution and use it as a guide on how to best do their job. I know that Donald is not familiar with the Constitution and only has his best interest at heart. Look at how he has handled Puerto Rico, he hasn't done anything but insult these folks.

Kansas will be electing a new Governor in the not to distant future and so far our options are pretty bad. Kris Kobach, the master of allowing only people of certain ethnicity to vote. I was even removed from the voter roles a couple of years ago. The reason for my removal was never revealed but it was a journey getting back on the role. There are several others running but it is a bit early for the propaganda and mudslinging to start so I am not familiar with who else has their hat in the ring. I was asked to run for this office and it did not take but a second to say "Thank you but no flipping way."

Kansas aka Brownbackistan has been bankrupted under Sam Brownback. He was a rotten Congressman but the majority in KS felt he was capable of running the state. He was the cause of our Standard and Poore rating to bottom out, he is the reason that state programs targeting the elderly, disabled and children to go without much needed services and schools. How does someone get away with this mess? Where does the buck stop?

Based on recent elections the message is very clear, the GOP has failed and people are ready for change.

My mantra is out with incumbents bring in new blood. I am ready to volunteer just give us a candidate that is worthy of my time

This rant is over for now and thank you for visiting.

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