Thursday, December 19, 2013

Duck Dynasty Circling the Drain

Yes, I watched the show on occasion but it was never on my top ten. I can relate to these families on some level as my Daddy's family is from Louisiana and Mom's family is from East Texas. I loved how they hammed it up for the camera and despite the random comment disparaging women I liked the family atmosphere.

Phil Robertson crossed a big, bad line with his responses in a recent GQ interview. I mean really, is this man so ignorant that he thought he would walk away from that interview unscathed? I am still  a little perplexed over why GQ interviewed this man in the first place unless it was meant to poke fun at him but they did and Phil said some horrible, horrible things about a large percentage of the world's population.

When this dude was posed the question about his thoughts on sin why didn't he go straight away to "Thou Shalt Not Kill?" With all of the mass shootings this is where my brain would have taken me. If you are given your 15 minutes and don't do one small thing for the greater good then you are missing the whole point. To me that is shameful and I guess one could say sinful.

Why is it that so called Christians are so concerned about the afterlife of others? I consider myself a Christian and frankly it is none of my business what others do or how they live their life as long as it is not causing harm to others. After my experiences in my antique shop I am not sure how I feel about heaven and hell as the only options once your soul leaves the body.

The Bible tells us that if we ask for forgiveness then we are forgiven for whatever "sins" we have committed. So that right there pretty much absolves each and every one of us as long as we ask.

Why is it that abortion, equality and lifestyle are the only "sins" ever brought forth from the Bible? There are others things in the Bible that we are given permission to do and to not do, some come with some pretty heavy and horrible consequences;

  • Leviticus 25:44 tells me that I can have slaves provided they are purchased from neighboring nations.. I am sure that would go over like a lead brick and to be honest I don't think I need any at the moment.
  • Exodus 35:2 says that anyone working on the Sabbath shall be put to death. I am all about taking a day of leisure but my neighbor insists on doing outdoor chores on Sunday after Church. I'm not sure who to call to enforce this violation of the Bible but I am certainly not going to take matters in to my own hands.
  • Touching dead pork with your hands, now this is a tough one especially in light of the fact that the Robinson family loves to hunt wild hogs. This is straight from Lev. 11:6-8. It is not punishable by death or stoning but the Bible says don't do it as it will make you unclean.
  • This one is punishable by stoning, wearing clothing made of two different threads or fabrics. I would think that camo is polyester and cotton. YIKES! You cannot plant two different crops in the same field either or so says Lev.19:19.
  • Lev. 11:10 says that eating shellfish is an abomination. I wonder if crawdads are considered shellfish or do they have some kind of secular disqualification?
Where do you stop? Why can't we just mind our own business and not pass judgement on others? 

I do not think that anyone from the GLBT community is going to be attending the same church as any of these folks as a matter of fact I would imagine that you would be made to feel about as welcome as lice in a beauty shop. 

If you are going to run around quoting scripture and saying that you live by the Bible you either need to be all in or shut your mouth.

Some of the so called Christian blogs I have read on this matter make my gut hurt. It is sad to know that people honestly, wholly, deep in their hearts believe this drivel and find it necessary to spew the hatred. It makes me very ashamed and somewhat embarrassed for them.

I sincerely hope that the TV show goes away. Does anyone remember Paula Deen?

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