What in the heck is going on? Daily we hear of a new allegation against a person of means groping, kissing, raping, etc. without the consent of the "victim."
NO, this is never okay but why have the floodgates of accusations been opened now? Is it because Donald the POTUS has been heard on a hot mic saying what he has done to women? Is it because Donald has been accused of molesting teen girls participating in teen beauty pageants? Now we are hearing that he paid a porn actress $130,000 in hush money?
A couple of years ago my youngest was raped and beaten by her ex-boyfriend for hours. He stated that his intent was to kill her and thankfully he failed on his mission. My adult daughter did not tell the police about the rape and this is a decision she now regrets. A rape test was conducted on her when I took her to the ER but she requested that it not be released. This matter hit my family a bit to close so yes I do have empathy for anyone who is raped but that empathy begins to falter when law enforcement is not notified and rape tests are not done. I would love to believe that ANY person abused in anyway would follow proper protocol in an expedient manner. When the very basic part of the puzzle, such as notifying law enforcement, is not followed and then years pass before one comes forward with allegations I have to ask "where the hell is the proof?"
My husband and I have argued over this topic. He thinks that the incidents aren't reported for fear of backlash. My take is that the accusers were first willing participants in the act but with the number of women coming forward they decide that maybe they did not consent to the act and jump on the bandwagon. The women that were paid, such as Donald's porn star, are practicing the world's oldest profession.
I despise the fact that the rich, famous and Donald are being held to a different standard than just a regular Joe Blow. Donald has already let us know where his moral compass is when it comes to women, he has none but apparently our screwed up society is perfectly okay with that. I for one am not okay with it. Donald has spent countless hours bashing Bill Clinton for his consensual act with Monica. Clinton was interrogated, found guilty and impeached but was not removed from office.
All of these alleged victims are coming forth. People are loosing their jobs based purely on accusation and no conviction of guilty from a court of law. I looked up the statute of limitations on rape in the states and all have no statute of limitations on rape. This is great but how is an attorney going to fight a case when there is no tangible evidence, no rape kit, no police report? If it were me being accused I would fight it tooth and nail but slowly slinking off in to the woodwork is not solving anything.
If you ever feel that you have been groped, raped, etc. call law enforcement and go to the hospital and get a semen swab. Gather your evidence, hire an attorney and move forward. By not taking these steps you are simply making an accusation and leaving the rapist out there to harm someone else.
I would love to hear your feedback on this topic.
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