Monday, August 15, 2011

Eggies.... Are They Really Worth the Trouble

I am a nut for all these infomercial things but can usually resist the urge to purchase all this crazy stuff. The Eggies kinda got me, they sucked me in, boiling eggs with these plastic cups is going to make my life easier. I did not buy mine online or through calling the 800 number I went to a large chain drug store and got a box of 6.

  • each Eggie has 4 plastic parts (they don't tell you this in the infomercial), it took me 5 minutes to get them put together
  • you MUST coat the inside or each Eggie with oil
  • as with most plastic items all of the pieces that are supposed to thread together.... don't
  • it is harder than hell to get a slimy cracked egg to go in to the little hole in the top of the Eggie
  • it took my Eggies 17 minutes to cook
  • they then have to cool for 10 mins. before you can take the little lid off -  quote from instruction page "Eggies will produce steam when boiled take caution when opening"
  • 3 of my Eggies had water in them so I had to strain the water out
  • only 2 of my Eggies popped right out of the little cup, I had to use a knife to cut them loose from the plastic cup
  • I have a horrible after taste in my mouth after eating one of my boiled eggs

    From start to finish, not counting the time it took to wash all the pieces, it took over 30 minutes to produce a boiled egg in an Eggie. I am not an egg peeling professional but I can boil a regular egg and peel it in 20 minutes.

    The only real upside I see to Eggies is that you can boil only the egg white or if you use the liquid egg mixture you can make a boiled egg from that.

    More photos of my Eggie adventure:
    Notice how the little lid does not fit....
    All my Eggies in one pot.... sort of
    HOLY EGGIE Batman, Eggie scum. Plastic parts let egg squeeze out.
    Final product, why do the eggs have pits in them.

    All Eggie parts are now soaking. I am going to try to wash them in the dishwasher, the instructions say they are dishwasher safe.

    I am so not buying the 'Flexy Seal'.

    Do you have an Eggie adventure to share?

    1 comment:

    sjl3309 said...

    Thanks for being the guinea pig with these. I'm always a sucker for those infomercial products too but have learned to resist...for the most part. I did hear about cooking a poached egg in a plastic bag which I think I'll try soon.
