What has happened to common human courtesy? I was born in Texas and spent most of my life there, it is home and it is also where I learned' Please, Thank You, Where Real Men held the door open for me, we said mam & sir (something I do to this day), if you saw someone in need such as a flat tire or broken down car you stopped to help (these days with laziness prevailing stopping and calling AAA would work).
When we lived in Singapore and Mexico City we had to be on our very best behavior. We were visitor's in these countries and my parent's did a lot of entertaining some of which involved having bigwigs over to the house or taking them out to dinner. My brother and I could not stab at our food, chew with out mouths open and we were taught the proper way to use a knife and fork to cut our food. We were invited to some pretty amazing places because we minded our manners and were courteous towards others. Mom and daddy would have left us at home if we weren't at the top of our game.
Now there are certain stores, mainly big box stores but also a few locally owned shops that I will not go in to because of a lack of service, attitude and an overall feeling that my business means squat to them. This was certainly not the way I ran my shop.
Going out to eat, gag... I am amazed at how so many people don't know how to use a knife. And even more surprised at basic table mannners or better lack there of.
As I go own with my "It's All About Me" list;
- Lazy idiots who park in the fire lane at the grocery store, pharmacy or any other retail shop that has ample parking but people choose to endanger us all by parking in the fire lane. You can bet your butt I am going straight to management if I am going into that store.
- People who still leave their kids in the car with the car running. Especially small children.
- People who drive around with "anti-abortion" stickers all over their vehicles but not one child is in a seat belt.
- Driving and talking or texting on your cell phone (KS is a little behind the times)..... I will call the police with your place # if I see you doing either of these. My daughter was involved in a wreck due to cell phone use several years ago.... she was hit from behind by someone who did not slow down for a red light. The cell phone user did get charged for this.
- What's up with tailgating???? Are you going to run me over to get to the next light?
- Parent's who have no control over their children but still take them out in public. When my girls were young we went nowhere at nap time and if they started acting up we left. Thank you but my child rearing days are over and if I go out to have a nice dinner I don't want my night ruined by your unruly child. Please don't get angry if I say something to you about it either because your problem just became mine when your child started acting up.
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