Wednesday, November 04, 2009

I Have a Beef, So What Else is New....

What is it these days with women using the excuse of being pregnant when they don't want to do something? Since when did pregnancy become an illness or a condition that hampers day to day activity when in fact it a very normal and natural bodily function for women.

If you are getting proper prenatal care and taking care of your physical health, the pregnancy should not limit daily activity. Yes, you have aches and pains. Yes, you might get a little more tired than usual but this only occurs in the last couple of months of a full term pregnancy.

Which brings me to another point..... "but I am a single parent" oh my gosh if I hear that one more time I am going to barf. I was a single teenage parent and was single until my daughter was 8. I had her when I was 17.

Back in those days (late 1970's) you could not go to a public high school if you were pregnant, I was kicked out in my juinor year. The only thing I knew for sure when it was just my daughter and I was that we had to eat and have a place to live. I got a lousy job but I was able to take my baby and her playpen to work and avoid the cost of child care.

I eventually got tired of working for pennies and started at the local community college. I did get my GED and then my Assoc. of Applied Science. I now have a BS degree.

No I am not some heartless uncaring person. I have volunteered many years with a child support advocacy organization, I volunteer with an anti-bully org., I spent many years with a youth group as a volunteer, board member and every thing else you can thing of.

I just get very tired of hearing the excuse "I am a single mother so I can't ....." or I am a single mother that is why my child misbehaves so badly. Don't thing of your self as a single parent..... you are a parent.... you must put on many hats and work your butt to the bone but you are simply a single parent.

Okay I am off that soap box for a while.... whew......

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