I do not believe in whatever it is "we" are fighting for or against. Does anyone even know what it is?
Is it solving anything? No!! We are creating enemies worldwide. More evil leaders are cropping up ready to kick American butt.
We are sending our young people to die so George Bush can make more money on oil.... this is my take on George's War.
This has nothing to do with supporting the troops, they are doing their job. Something they signed up to do. Actually most probably signed up to get money for school, line up a career, earn some extra money in the reserves (this is what my daughter did) and they get sucked into the war that a sicko man has to wage.
Now my child is on her way over there. I have said my "see you laters, write often, I will send a care package a week, I love you, be careful, I will miss you, be safe, be safe, be safe, be safe."
I have cried so much in the past month with the senseless suicide of my sister-in-law, a child off to war and the recent abduction and murder of an acquaintances 19 year-old daughter that my eyes hurt. I have a constant knot in my stomach and throat.
I can barely work or function, but it will get better. I am just so sad and worried it is hard to focus.
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