What has happened to the good TV shows?!?!?!?
I don't have "extended cable" in my bedroom so I usually end up watching the Discovery Channel, National Geographic Channel, Animal Planet and the DIY shows, because there is nothing else on. I have enjoyed the Ted Turner station lately because they have been showing old Academy Award winning movies. Sci Fi has a few good shows left.
A&E has abandoned the Arts component and actually the Entertainment portion of their call letters, it should be the "Reality Show" channel. I loved them when they were the old A&E. Now they have this line-up of reality shows, each with the same MO just a different theme.
The major networks are horrible, they need to get some new show writers in place. Love Monkey was a great show. Not everyone likes Yuppie Drama or Yuppie Comedy TV. To tell you the truth, I don't get most of it because I don't run in those circles. The attempts at comedy are horrible. I don't like bratty kids and I am not going to watch bratty, snotty kids on TV, there is way too much of that in real life.... like the grocery store. The same goes for backtalking teenagers who are out of control, I have lived through that and didn't like it all that much. Why would I want to watch it on TV?
All of the paparazzi TV shows like E Network.... I don't give a shit what the "beautiful people" are doing. Most of them are way out of control and if any of my children acted like some of these young slutty stars they would find themselves in a heap of hurt, I don't care how old they are. People who are looked up to my kids are running around calling others names.... like fags.... and the N word, you folks need to get a grip and go get a job at Taco Bell, get out of the public eye. The drugs and alcohol .... please. These folks get away with murder without any penalties (Brandy killed a woman in an MVA), they rape, pilage and plunder without any consequences, yet us normal folks jay walk and we get written up. And Anna Nicole, what a tragedy.... for her baby, the woman should have been under a doctor's care and had 24/7 supervision by loves who supposedly love her. For pete sakes, she just lost a son, she was depressed and on more drugs that most pharmacys even carry. You never heard her speak when she was sober. They way the media has jumped on this you would think that George Bush Jr. had picked up a gun and was fighting hand to hand in the war he created..... now that I would watch.
If you try to watch VH1 during this time of night you are hit with some crappy show about a whore named "New York", who is this woman? I turned on VH1 tonight to listen to some music and here is this loud mouthed, nasty looking person AND HER MOTHER?!?!?!? Come on, have the powers that be who create these shows become so desperate for something to fill up time slots that they are creating TV shows around street walker's and their families? She is just sleazy looking, loud mouthed and .... I don't even have words for her. Can't VH1 just create more of those 'I Like the 70s' shows?
I have cable and movie channels on other televisions in the house and occasionally we will watch a movie on one of the movie channels but for the most part we listen to the radio or watch one of the channels I listed above. I can't imagine having hundreds of channels and all of them showing crap.
I guess that I am the only one who feels this way, there must be a market for this mess or it would not be on the air. But, then again, that tells you something about the mentality of the American population.
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