Tonight some punk ass, stupid idiots broke into my daughter's car. We live in the Suburbs of Kansas City, this is not a bad part of town by any means. For those of you familiar with this area, she was at the AMC Bowling Alley aka King Louies on Metcalf in Overland Park, Kansas.
This occured between the hours of 7:30 pm and 9:00 pm. Metcalf is a very heavily traveled street and by the looks of things these worthless little punk twerps were on the scene for quite sometime doing their thing.
They carefully went through the CD's in her visor and glove box to pick the ones they wanted, they placed others in different CD holders. They took a CD holder of 400 CDs. They took her amp and sub from the trunk of her car but they did not rip these out, they took their time and gently pulled both of these pieces from their plugs. The kicker is.... they stole her entire cosmetology school kit, all of the hot irons, hair dryers, $200 scissors, products, I don't know what all. The stupid fools probably did not know what was in the black suitcase so they took it. All totaled we are talking in excess of $6000 in goods stolen from her car. This does not include the damage done to the vehicle so that they could gain entry.
I hate nobody, I don't even like to use that word. I don't hate the man I lived with and who beat me daily for 4 years. I don't hate my ex-husband (I feel sorry for him). But I hate thieves and liars. If you have to stoop so slow as to steal from another person or place of business, then you need to rethink your life choices, the same goes for lies. If you can't be honest with others, you have no place in my world.
So now we have these punks who have commited felony thief, they will probably get away with it as far as the law goes. They will give their sleezy girlfriends all of the cosmetology items and they will either keep the stereo equipment and music CDs or sell them. I do have serial numbers on the stereo items but if they sell them to a friend or on ebay (who doesn't require serial numbers to post easily stolen items or proof of ownership), we are just SOL. We will be out time and more money because of some little chicken shit punks who are too lazy to get a job, or too strung out on drugs to be productive member's of this society. As is often the case in this area, these are over privileged, bored teens with 2 parent's working 16 hour days (orphaned by over worked parent's) who will toss the cosmetology items and give the other stuff to their friends.
I have put the word out to various kids in quite a few high schools in the area about this, just in case they hear anything. I just don't have much faith that law enforcement will put any effort into this after a previous and much more serious experience we had with them.
I think that if they are caught, and since the law will not chop off one finger for every $1,000 in loss, we should ship these punks off to Iraq and let them play with the big boys.
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