I knew I should have gone to the grocery store today. The news just said that we are in for 10" -20" of snow. That is a lot of snow for those of us here in Kansas! I think that is a lot of snow no matter where you hang your mittens.
I'm sure that we will be okay ... because every household in the county is at the grocery at a quarter of eleven at night.
I have to find my furry snow boots. I love the snow. I work from home so I can say that. I always have the first snowperson on the block, I get out and romp with the dogs in the snow. This will be my puppy's first snow.
I will take photos to share.
I wonder if they will cancel school?
Yes, I live in Kansas. Actually the burb's of Kansas City, KS not to far from the Missouri State line. I'm a mother, a grandmother, a business owner, a wife, an activist and a dog owner. This is my life and living in Kansas and the world as I see them.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Thieves Are the Scum of the Earth

Tonight some punk ass, stupid idiots broke into my daughter's car. We live in the Suburbs of Kansas City, this is not a bad part of town by any means. For those of you familiar with this area, she was at the AMC Bowling Alley aka King Louies on Metcalf in Overland Park, Kansas.
This occured between the hours of 7:30 pm and 9:00 pm. Metcalf is a very heavily traveled street and by the looks of things these worthless little punk twerps were on the scene for quite sometime doing their thing.
They carefully went through the CD's in her visor and glove box to pick the ones they wanted, they placed others in different CD holders. They took a CD holder of 400 CDs. They took her amp and sub from the trunk of her car but they did not rip these out, they took their time and gently pulled both of these pieces from their plugs. The kicker is.... they stole her entire cosmetology school kit, all of the hot irons, hair dryers, $200 scissors, products, I don't know what all. The stupid fools probably did not know what was in the black suitcase so they took it. All totaled we are talking in excess of $6000 in goods stolen from her car. This does not include the damage done to the vehicle so that they could gain entry.
I hate nobody, I don't even like to use that word. I don't hate the man I lived with and who beat me daily for 4 years. I don't hate my ex-husband (I feel sorry for him). But I hate thieves and liars. If you have to stoop so slow as to steal from another person or place of business, then you need to rethink your life choices, the same goes for lies. If you can't be honest with others, you have no place in my world.
So now we have these punks who have commited felony thief, they will probably get away with it as far as the law goes. They will give their sleezy girlfriends all of the cosmetology items and they will either keep the stereo equipment and music CDs or sell them. I do have serial numbers on the stereo items but if they sell them to a friend or on ebay (who doesn't require serial numbers to post easily stolen items or proof of ownership), we are just SOL. We will be out time and more money because of some little chicken shit punks who are too lazy to get a job, or too strung out on drugs to be productive member's of this society. As is often the case in this area, these are over privileged, bored teens with 2 parent's working 16 hour days (orphaned by over worked parent's) who will toss the cosmetology items and give the other stuff to their friends.
I have put the word out to various kids in quite a few high schools in the area about this, just in case they hear anything. I just don't have much faith that law enforcement will put any effort into this after a previous and much more serious experience we had with them.
I think that if they are caught, and since the law will not chop off one finger for every $1,000 in loss, we should ship these punks off to Iraq and let them play with the big boys.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
For the first time since Sept. 11, I feel safe.
It was just announced that Donald Rumsfeld is "cutting and running." As I type this "the idiot puppet" is speaking on the radio. He is "going to protect me", he has run my family into the poor house, he has seen to it that many young American's have been murdered in the name of war.
The "idiot puppet" is making a good choice in picking a Aggie to serve in Rummy's place. Listening to him speak on the radio he is pissed off, you can hear it in his tone of voice, he is mad. In essence the American People are idiots and don't know what we want or what we are doing. I felt that way when he was elected, no I did not vote for him either time. I am a Native Texan and lived under his rule once, I knew better.
On a different note:
Missouri passed the Constitutional amendment allowing Stem Cell Research - http://www.kansascity.com/mld/kansascity/news/local/15954317.htm
Lives can be saved with stem cells and hopefully with more research.... more lives can be saved. There are a myriad of illnesses that benefit from stem cell therapy/ My ex-husband passed away 3 years ago at the age of 46 from ALS, this is one illness that can benefit from stem cell therapy and who knows, with further research possibly cured.
Everyone hollers about cloning, in the name of God of course. What are you doing when you fertilize a baby in a Petri dish? Or use other artificial means of impregnating oneself? Aren't you cloning yourself since God obviously does not want you to reproduce in a natural way? And all of those extra eggs that are tossed in the trash, couldn't they atleast be recycled for use in stem cell research? You aren't going to use them. Is that considered abortion when you toss the extra fertilized eggs? I know a "good Christian" lady who went through the artificial impregnation ordeal and found that she was going to have 5 children, she and her husband then "deleted" (she really used that word) 3 of them. She was very much "pro-life" but this didn't count. I guess it fell into that Bible small print or selective Bible reading section that the religious right is so fond of.
Before you get your panties in a bunch and write weird comments, the above a very simplified and stupid way to state the issue. But I just don't understand why a group of people who are supposed to be filled with love and concern for mankind would raise such a fuss about something, stem cell research, that could prolong the life of another human being. I am not thrilled about cloning and those that are going to use it in a Hitler like manner are already doing so, therefore this is not much of a concern.
Kansas elected Paul Morrison as Attorney General and ousted Phil Kline. On this I have mixed emotions. I did not like Phil Kline but I am currently not sure that Morrison can do the job either. Ego seems to be an issue with him and a big one at that. At one time I felt that he was a fair and just man but my opinion on that has changed a great deal in the past months. I also have some concerns over who will replace him as the Johnson County District Attorney.... rumor has it that it could be Kline.
It is not a perfect world and politics is one of the most imperfect. You get someone in office that has less than a sincere ability to work for the people and you are in deep dodo. But I think that all in all, we needed a change and America spoke up and made that change. Way to go!!!
It was just announced that Donald Rumsfeld is "cutting and running." As I type this "the idiot puppet" is speaking on the radio. He is "going to protect me", he has run my family into the poor house, he has seen to it that many young American's have been murdered in the name of war.
The "idiot puppet" is making a good choice in picking a Aggie to serve in Rummy's place. Listening to him speak on the radio he is pissed off, you can hear it in his tone of voice, he is mad. In essence the American People are idiots and don't know what we want or what we are doing. I felt that way when he was elected, no I did not vote for him either time. I am a Native Texan and lived under his rule once, I knew better.
On a different note:
Missouri passed the Constitutional amendment allowing Stem Cell Research - http://www.kansascity.com/mld/kansascity/news/local/15954317.htm
Lives can be saved with stem cells and hopefully with more research.... more lives can be saved. There are a myriad of illnesses that benefit from stem cell therapy/ My ex-husband passed away 3 years ago at the age of 46 from ALS, this is one illness that can benefit from stem cell therapy and who knows, with further research possibly cured.
Everyone hollers about cloning, in the name of God of course. What are you doing when you fertilize a baby in a Petri dish? Or use other artificial means of impregnating oneself? Aren't you cloning yourself since God obviously does not want you to reproduce in a natural way? And all of those extra eggs that are tossed in the trash, couldn't they atleast be recycled for use in stem cell research? You aren't going to use them. Is that considered abortion when you toss the extra fertilized eggs? I know a "good Christian" lady who went through the artificial impregnation ordeal and found that she was going to have 5 children, she and her husband then "deleted" (she really used that word) 3 of them. She was very much "pro-life" but this didn't count. I guess it fell into that Bible small print or selective Bible reading section that the religious right is so fond of.
Before you get your panties in a bunch and write weird comments, the above a very simplified and stupid way to state the issue. But I just don't understand why a group of people who are supposed to be filled with love and concern for mankind would raise such a fuss about something, stem cell research, that could prolong the life of another human being. I am not thrilled about cloning and those that are going to use it in a Hitler like manner are already doing so, therefore this is not much of a concern.
Kansas elected Paul Morrison as Attorney General and ousted Phil Kline. On this I have mixed emotions. I did not like Phil Kline but I am currently not sure that Morrison can do the job either. Ego seems to be an issue with him and a big one at that. At one time I felt that he was a fair and just man but my opinion on that has changed a great deal in the past months. I also have some concerns over who will replace him as the Johnson County District Attorney.... rumor has it that it could be Kline.
It is not a perfect world and politics is one of the most imperfect. You get someone in office that has less than a sincere ability to work for the people and you are in deep dodo. But I think that all in all, we needed a change and America spoke up and made that change. Way to go!!!
Monday, November 06, 2006
Bad, Bad Heather Mills
It takes a lot of balls to accuse a world icon of abuse. No, I don't know Paul McCartney personally... I wish we were good buds. I would call him up and say;
Me: Hi Paul my friend. How are you?
PM: Good. It is so amazing to hear from you. It has been so long! Have you heard about all of the shit that crazy one legged woman is saying about me?
Me: You know the American newspapers, I have read bits and pieces but I have also read some of the London rags to get the "real scoop." In other words... that's why I'm phoning, I want to know what is going on across the pond.
PM: She just sees me as a human bank. I don't think that she loved me to begin with. No one else would have her, I was still reeling from the death of my lifes love Linda and fell into the black widow's web.
Me: Your children told you she was no good and to stay away from her.
PM: I know, I know. But I was lonely.
Me: Heather wanted a baby and a bank account and she saw both in you. I also think that she heard about Anna Nicole and figured that was a pretty sweet deal... not that you are quite as old as ole Mr. Whatshisname.
PM: I am the "fool on the hill" ... jokes on me.
Me: Paul, you know that I was in 2 very abusive relationships and you do not have the characteristics of an abuser. Also, Linda never said anything about you popping her upside the head, or pushing her into a bathtub when she was pregnant... oh and I love the knife in the belly. You don't become an abuser when you are well into your 60s when you weren't one in the 1960s.
PM: You and I know the truth but do you think that the rest of the world and my fans believe what the peg leg is saying?
Me: I don't think that anyone believes that Sir Paul would lift a finger to a woman, don't you worry your pretty little head. Her true colors are coming out as are her original intentions. You are loved and adored by millions of people and she is detested by millions.
PM: I don't want hate and anger to come out of this just Love Love Love only not with her.
Me: I know, and it will all turn out okay. It would be nice if the court would give her child support only. I think that this is all she has coming to her. You are a good and decent man. I gotta run, work is waiting. I don't have some wonderful man I can tell lot's of lies about and screw over for millions of pounds or dollars. Hugs and kisses to all.
PM: Thank you for calling. Come to visit anytime, we miss you. TaTa.
Me: Hi Paul my friend. How are you?
PM: Good. It is so amazing to hear from you. It has been so long! Have you heard about all of the shit that crazy one legged woman is saying about me?
Me: You know the American newspapers, I have read bits and pieces but I have also read some of the London rags to get the "real scoop." In other words... that's why I'm phoning, I want to know what is going on across the pond.
PM: She just sees me as a human bank. I don't think that she loved me to begin with. No one else would have her, I was still reeling from the death of my lifes love Linda and fell into the black widow's web.
Me: Your children told you she was no good and to stay away from her.
PM: I know, I know. But I was lonely.
Me: Heather wanted a baby and a bank account and she saw both in you. I also think that she heard about Anna Nicole and figured that was a pretty sweet deal... not that you are quite as old as ole Mr. Whatshisname.
PM: I am the "fool on the hill" ... jokes on me.
Me: Paul, you know that I was in 2 very abusive relationships and you do not have the characteristics of an abuser. Also, Linda never said anything about you popping her upside the head, or pushing her into a bathtub when she was pregnant... oh and I love the knife in the belly. You don't become an abuser when you are well into your 60s when you weren't one in the 1960s.
PM: You and I know the truth but do you think that the rest of the world and my fans believe what the peg leg is saying?
Me: I don't think that anyone believes that Sir Paul would lift a finger to a woman, don't you worry your pretty little head. Her true colors are coming out as are her original intentions. You are loved and adored by millions of people and she is detested by millions.
PM: I don't want hate and anger to come out of this just Love Love Love only not with her.
Me: I know, and it will all turn out okay. It would be nice if the court would give her child support only. I think that this is all she has coming to her. You are a good and decent man. I gotta run, work is waiting. I don't have some wonderful man I can tell lot's of lies about and screw over for millions of pounds or dollars. Hugs and kisses to all.
PM: Thank you for calling. Come to visit anytime, we miss you. TaTa.
The Slippery Slope of Sloppiness
I posted the below on the crazy hip blog mamas blog. They had a question asking when you thought you were dressed nicely and later found that you had totally blown it.
This is what I wrote:
I used to dress to go to the bathroom, I had to look GGGOOOOOOODDDD no matter what. But oh how times have changed.
I work from home, I have a teenager that drives and the only "people" that see me during the day are my two dogs. He That Rocks My World doesn't get home until 5:00pm, so at 4:30 I slap on something that matches, spritz with lavender spray and a dab of lipstick.
I didn't realize how frumpy I had become (I'm 46) until I had to run some errands one morning, I don't do mornings. And while walking by a very large reflective window I caught a glimpse of myself. HORRORS, I had on my warm, wooly footies, mismatched, grey sweats with a hole in the crotch that was visible and had paint all over them. And a lime green sweatshirt with 3 big stains of some sort down the front. I still had on my grey felt houseshoes. It's not over yet, I have naturally curly hair that I am growing out to go with my 50 lbs weight loss... and I looked like Napoleon Dynomite crossed with Don King.
I am not easily embarrassed but this sent me running back to my car, I had that AHA moment where I realized I had gone down the slippery slope of sloppiness/motherhood/work at homeitis.
I came home and tossed everything with stains, holes, (not my favorite jeans) seasonal sweatshirts with cute faces, mismatched fuzzy warm footsies and socks. Now I am basically without clothes..... I refuse to purchase new clothes until I am down another 10 lbs, size 16. Pre-menopause and chocolate cravings aren't helping much.
Whew... that was close.
You can see more comments on this post here
This is what I wrote:
I used to dress to go to the bathroom, I had to look GGGOOOOOOODDDD no matter what. But oh how times have changed.
I work from home, I have a teenager that drives and the only "people" that see me during the day are my two dogs. He That Rocks My World doesn't get home until 5:00pm, so at 4:30 I slap on something that matches, spritz with lavender spray and a dab of lipstick.
I didn't realize how frumpy I had become (I'm 46) until I had to run some errands one morning, I don't do mornings. And while walking by a very large reflective window I caught a glimpse of myself. HORRORS, I had on my warm, wooly footies, mismatched, grey sweats with a hole in the crotch that was visible and had paint all over them. And a lime green sweatshirt with 3 big stains of some sort down the front. I still had on my grey felt houseshoes. It's not over yet, I have naturally curly hair that I am growing out to go with my 50 lbs weight loss... and I looked like Napoleon Dynomite crossed with Don King.
I am not easily embarrassed but this sent me running back to my car, I had that AHA moment where I realized I had gone down the slippery slope of sloppiness/motherhood/work at homeitis.
I came home and tossed everything with stains, holes, (not my favorite jeans) seasonal sweatshirts with cute faces, mismatched fuzzy warm footsies and socks. Now I am basically without clothes..... I refuse to purchase new clothes until I am down another 10 lbs, size 16. Pre-menopause and chocolate cravings aren't helping much.
Whew... that was close.
You can see more comments on this post here
Sunday, November 05, 2006
The Joys of Pre-Menopause.... The Devil Within

This post is not for the faint of heart.
I will reveal a secret... I am 46 years young and 3 months ago I went stark raving mad.
It has been a painful process as it involves an ovarian cyst and raging hormones. Almost 19 years ago they took out 1 ovary due to a cyst. I functioned normally with only one ovary, I even became pregnant 6 month post-0p... while taking birth control pills. My youngest daughter is a high school graduate and is currently attending Cosmetology school.
It was a shock to get pregnant with that kind of odds against it, and the fact that we had not planned on having more wee ones, but we adapted, loved our little surprise (my other daughter is 11 years older) and life went on.
Then, in 1995ish I had a hysterectomy, they took my uterus but left the one little ovary "due to my age" I guess I was considered too young to not have any parts that would give me problems later in life.
Then one night about 3 months ago I was rudely awoken with a horrible pain in my side. The pain persisted and radiated down to my knee. It became worse and finally after 2 weeks (I don't rush into things) I went to the doctor. The Dx, an ovarian cyst "but it should resolve itself in about a month." The pain continued and I got very cranky, weepy, my boobs ache, my hair is falling out, I growl at people and things ( I didn't know that I could growl), I can't sleep at night, my hot flashes have become worse and now I have night sweats too, I can't remember anything either, I am also very tired during the day.
I attempt to go back to the doctor but my doctor of 15 years has had a death in the family and will be gone for a month and the Dr. I end up seeing doesn't want to do anything, like order lab work, because she isn't my usual treating physician. She says that my hormones are out of whack. NO S#**! I scream. I want to know why all of a sudden they went wonky. Well, it is the cyst on my ovary. Either it has caused the hormone inbalance to occur or the hormone inbalance caused the cyst. But I am pretty much SOL until my doctor returns in a month.
Then the stupidity really kicks in ... I get on the Internet and start talking to friends. I refuse to take synthetic hormones and die of a heart attack or stroke. So with all of the information I gathered from the above sources I am currently on 10 different vitamins, herbs and supplements plus a progesterone cream.
Good ole doc that I have seen for 15 years returns... I see her. She concurs with the Dr. I saw a month prior... hormone inbalance, that damned old cyst. So we draw some blood to see what the hormones are doing. I wait another week. At this point 3 months have passed. I am now having migraine headaches and only sleeping about 3 hours a night. I live on chocolate and carbs. Plus I have gained 8 lbs in 3 months. I am not a happy camper.
A week later, I get the phone call, they are worried about my glucose level, it is 99 (non-fasting) the normal range is 70-99. Of course I am talking to a "phone nurse" who cops and attitude when I insist on talking about hormone levels and she won't get off the glucose. I told her that I had 3 Pop Tarts for breakfast when I usually eat Cherrios. So as concerned as they may be about the glucose I will deal with that after the hormones get in check. I got so pissed off at my doctor of 15 years for turning this little twit loose on me that I finally used a very inappropriate explicative and hung up the phone.
Finally I had a lucid moment and before the thought had a chance to escape my brain, I took action. I called my Ob/GYn that I had seen for 10 yrs. he delivered my grandaughter as well. His wife and I are good friends. I quit seeing him about 6 years ago just because it was easier to see one doctor for everything. I called and talked to her, his wife, and explained what is going on. She put good ole Dr. F. on the phone and I think we have a plan.... the ovary will go. If I keep it, there is a very good chance that I will continue to get these cysts that will throw my hormones into the ozone. I have a history of these cysts anyway and as "we get older" the problems become worse. Then, if my hormones are still really out there he will have natural hormones formulated for me and throw in a few herbs and supplements.... but not the 10 that I am currently taking.
I am sssssooooo looking forward to a resolution to this matter. I have endured many things in my life but this really sucks. I have been robbed of 3 months of my life because of my body.
It is truly amazing how hormones and the adrenal gland can affect all parts of your mind and body when they are not functioning properly. It is equally amazing how many "reputable websites run by Doctor's" are out there to take advantage of women in this situation. I found one that charges $93 "payable in 3 monthly installments" for progesterone cream and supplements. After that you only pay for the price of the cream and supplements but they don't tell you how much those are. Oh, and you get a newsletter filled with stories from othe women. I purchase all of my vitamins from Puritanspride.com, they often have a buy 1 get 1 free and for my whole family I don't spend $100 a year.
I relish my aging process, I have earned every wrinkle on my face and grey hair, strike that auburn hair. I exercise, eat right (the past 3 months don't count), take care of my spirit and mind. And I encourage you to do the same. Aging is not to be feared, it is a state of mind but when your state of mind has been altered just make sure that your loved ones understand what is going on.... it too will pass.
I dress in layers so that I can strip off clothes when the dreaded hot flashes hit me. Now, if you see a woman in a store pulling off sweaters and stripping down to a T-Shirt ... don't gawk and pull your children away. She isn't going to strip down to nothing, as much as she would love to, she will stop at the jeans and T-Shirt. Because in 15 minutes the clothes will go back on, as soon as the hot flash ends.
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