What Is Up With Driver’s On The Road???
I have driven in Countries renown for their terrible driver’s such as Mexico City and Southeast Asia. I was a passenger in a vehicle in Italy which was pretty scary, but these idiots here in the Kansas City, Kansas area are closing in quickly on the bad driving habits of our friends in these other Countries.
You have the “line huggers’ they are the ones who, for whatever reason, are hugging the line on the road. They are in their own lane but almost into the next lane due to their line hugging. Most of these folks have a phone tucked up under their ear, which throws them off to the side. FOOLS. Then there are the “zig-zaggers” they are just all over the place. They want to be the first in line at the red light so they will zig and zag through traffic just to be the first one stopped at the light. WHY!?!?! Ego is my diagnosis on this symptom of the road.
Oh I love the road rager’s. If you pass them because the are acting the fool and you feel more comfortable far away from them and pass them at the first opportunity. They go bonkers. Then they start tailgating and really showing their intelligence. The “impatient waiter” can’t sit through a full red light or wait for the stream of traffic to pass before he/she pulls out onto the street. They will run the light when there is a small break in traffic and in the case of a stop sign with traffic passing by they will just flat ass pull out in front of everyone. I see this one daily from my backyard.
I have also noticed that it is usually mom’s with children in the car, people driving earth killing SUV’s and very expensive car owners that pull this kind of stupid act.
I have had about 15 years to study this phenomenon up close and personal. I live in Lenexa, Kansas on Pflumm Road. I live in the old part of Lenexa, an area of town that our city officials (tongue in cheek) wish would just go away. Frankly, they hope that the Catholic Church and retirement home will eventually absorb this entire area. Pflumm Road is an arterial road but it is also a very residential street with homes facing the street, children playing in their yards and on the sidewalk, kids walk to the elementary school and the park. About a year ago the “public safety” brain raised the speed limit from 25 mph to 30 mph. Mr. Schooley told me that since most of the people were driving OVER the speed limit it just made sense to raise it. HOW DO YOU RESPOND TO SUCH A STUPID COMMENT??? I asked him if since I needed money would it then be okay if I robbed a bank, this was using the same logic he applied to this situation.
I did some research on his logic and yes, several brainiacs decided that if the bulk of driver’s in an area were habitually driving over the speed limit, you raise the speed limit. But the study went on to say that you then needed to provide greater police patrol to ensure that the law-breakers stayed within the new speed limit and did not go over it. This patrol needed to last for up to a year for the change in speed limit to be effective. Of course that was not done in this situation. We now have folks driving 50 mph in what should be a 25 mph zone.
I call the police public safety office all the time asking for patrol out here, they come and stop, at the most 2 cars and then we don’t see them again for a few weeks. It has really gotten exciting now that we have 3 bars that dump the drunks into my residential area!!!! Why don’t we get more cooperation from “law enforcement?” The proverbial manpower shortage. But the City of Lenexa is building a massive “new downtown” area. They don’t like the historic downtown that is quaint and wonderful so they are building a new downtown. This will bring about an increase in shoplifting, the usual crimes in the parking lot, etc. And we don’t have enough law enforcement to deal with what already exists in the city.
But, any time of day or night you can drive on the new Prairie Star Parkway Bridge and find at least 2 cops sitting there. Mind you this is a park with walking trails in a wide-open space. There is a residential area a bit further up the road and my assumption is that since these homes are worth much more than those of use here in Old Town Lenexa, they get all of the law enforcement while us Old Towner’s must fend for ourselves.
Due to the traffic noise, speeding, near hits on children and carbon monoxide. I finally plowed under my massive garden in the backyard. It had become so stressful for me to go out there and work in the yard that this Spring I tilled it all under. This garden was my therapy in my recovery from back surgery, it brought be back from the brink of suicide but thank you heartless City of Lenexa, it’s gone. I did leave my heirloom roses and I planted some lavender plants but there is enough room for hubby to run the tiller instead of me sitting out there and weeding away my problems.
Why is it that those who put “Pro Life” stickers in their vehicles usually don’t have their living, breathing children restrained in the car and are acting like idiots on the road? Are their interests only with fetal tissue or in telling other women what they should do with their uterus? I recently saw a “Pro Life” stickered vehicle driven by a female, child unrestrained in the front seat, lady on the cell phone, hauling balls down the road in a 40 mph zone. She failed to see that the car in front of her had stopped to make a turn… until the last minute. She tried to move over to my lane but I was there. She put her brakes on but it was to late. She whapped that car with great force. I pulled over and went to check on the little boy, who was bleeding from a gash in his forehead (because he had no seatbelt on) mom noticed this and reached over and buckled him in. I stayed until the Police got there and told them what I say, lady on phone, CHILD UNRESTRAINED, mom buckled him in after the accident. They did a sobriety test on her and she failed. So off to jail for her. “Pro Life”, she could have killed her baby because she was drunk and had some really important phone call to make and also couldn’t take the time to buckle her child in the seat. He was actually small enough where he needed a booster or car seat.
The last straw was toward the end of the school year last year when several kids were walking home from school. I was out back weeding and a bitch on her cell phone ran up on the curb right at this group of kids. It scared the crap out of them and me. One of the little boys fell down and started crying. Did this loon stop? Of course not. I went running over to them to make sure that they were all okay and this baby was trembling so bad that his teeth were chattering. I made sure that they were okay, got them to sit down for a minute and got them a coke to drink. After a bit they were calm enough to go on their way, I offered to drive them home but they refused (smart kids). I told the oldest girl to have her mom call me, which she did. I told her what happened and gave her the license plate number for the car. She went up to file a complaint on the driver but the Lenexa Police Dept. would not take a report from her since no one was hurt. I guess that you have to kill someone around here before anything is done.
Actually, that brings to mind a conversation I had some years ago with a City Council person concerning the problem. He told me that it would take a disaster before anything would be done on Pflumm Road. Several of us want them to put in a Round-A-Bout, they have put them on several streets around here with wonderful results.
But Lenexa’s leadership is not proactive.
I have flooding in my backyard due to a lack of a storm drain on a cul-de-sac behind my house. My yard catches the overflow from the Catholic School parking lot, the old Catholic Church, a city block that ends in a cul-de-sac and my side of the neighborhood. I have fought them on this for 6 years and finally I was told that nothing would be done until my house flooded. Lenexa makes a big to do about their Rain to Recreation program, how progressive they are in storm drainage solutions and creating lakes to diminish runoff, etc. But my backyard is a health hazard due to the chemicals from all of the parking lots and streets not to mention the chemicals that people put on their yards. After a heavy rain we cannot go into the backyard due to the mosquitoes and stench from the standing water. The expense for us to resolve the problem is much more than we can afford. They have even assessed an additional tax on purchases to be applied toward their wonderfully amazing bullshit program. I do not shop in Lenexa. I refuse to pay this tax, as it does not benefit me. The city has even won awards and recognitions for this program but they are lacking in the basic storm drainage systems.
Enough of this rant. I am just fed up with the whole thing. The “It’s all about me” attitude that people have. Driving your earth killing SUV’s, driving like you are the only person on the road and the lack of common courtesy.
I believe in Karma - Karma simply deals with what is. The effects of all deeds actively create past, present and future experiences, thus making one responsible for one's own life, and the pain and joy it brings to others. Karma extends through one's present life and all past and future lives as well. As well as the Rule of 3, everything you put out there will come back to you threefold, whether it be good or evil. If you live your life everyday with these ideologies in mind it could change the way you do numerous things…. Including driving your car.
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