I am going to a family reunion tomorrow, it is my husband's fathers side of the family. This is a bunch of really nice folks that I haven't seen in quite a few years... I didn't make it to the last funeral on that side of the family.
Both of my girls and their significant others are going with us as is my grandaughter and we have to take the puppy. He has already chewed one hole through the side of his kennel and escaped but I couldn't leave him locked up in it all day anyway. My step-daughter is on maneveurs in California in preperation for going to Iraqu so she won't be going with us.
I made my usual dish "Better Than Potato Salad", it uses rice and several other wonderful ingredients and it's always a hit. I will have to post the recipe.
My husband is oldest of 7 children, and of the 7 only 2 were invited to the reunion. The other's probably wouldn't have come anyway but I don't understand why the invitation wasn't extended to them. I found this out when I called one of his sister's to see if she wanted to ride with us. I told her that the invitation probably got lost in the mail of they may have sent it to her old address.... even though she has been in her house for about 5 years.
It should be a fun day. Lot's of good food, laughter, catching up with people I haven't talked to in way too long and need to do a better job of staying in touch, and they are going to have an egg hunt for the children (my grandaughter is excited about that). They also live out in the country so there will be some great photographic opportunities.
Nope, I don't think that it will be a bad day. Hey it could be worse, it oculd be the other side of the family!!!!!
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