I have lived all over the world in my 45 year, including the South (I am a native Texan and very proud of it). I have lived with different cultures and loved every minute of it. I was in middle school in small town Texas when the schools were integrated and did not have any problems... other than Vicki Sneed when she decided she didn't like me and pushed my skinny butt into the outside portion of the window air conditioner everyday for a whole school year. I have seen Thai Buddhas, Temples in Bali and grottos in Mexico City. I have seen poverty and wealth, I have dined with Princes and been aboard nuclear air craft carriers. But no life experience prepared me for living in Kansas.
- Kansas will deny you your Constitutional Rights without blinking an eye.
- The Jo. Co. Kansas Republican Party will not let you join if you are not a card carrying Pro Life Member.
- Kansas has a law that it is illegal for teens under age 16 to engage in any type of intimate contact yet now (2006 legislative session) will allow and fund a permission based Sex Ed class in the public schools... let's teach our kids about the sex they can't legally have and then report them if we see them getting too close.
- The school system is "underfunded" yet the Superintendent in our district makes over $1 million a year in salary and benefits.... my daughter a senior can barely read but hey this woman has made her money.
- They think that money will fix the school problem but they will not legalize gambling.
- The Attorney General has subpeonaed records from abortion clinics "to make sure that minors aren't getting abortions." To hell with privacy and legal rights.
- Our brilliant legislator's are now voting for concealed carry... back to the wild west days meets June and Ward Cleaver.
- We can't forget that in Kansas "we" don't believe in evolution. Evolution has been outlawed in Kansas. I have figured out why..... the folks that are in the majority stopped evolving 40 years ago.
- Kansas has made it unconstitutional for same sex marriage and common law marriages are no longer legal.... this is in the Kansas Constitution!!!!!
It is downright pathetic. I don't know what these folks are afraid of.
I can't say that it is because they are religious, they are what I call selective religious. The pick their verses and ignore the rest that the Bible has to say. Many of the "Christains" I have met here are Christian on Sunday only and mean as hell, rude and nasty the rest of the week. Kansas and this selective religion has turned me off of organized religion all together.... but I will save that for another day. It is a rather sad story too.
Do I have anything nice to say about Kansas? The change of seasons is nice. I met my husband of 20 years here and the Flint Hills are amazing.
You might ask if I do anything other than complain about this stuff. Well as a matter of fact I do. I vote, I write letters, I have testified before legislative committees for and/or against causes, I volunteer in my community and I try to make a difference each day. So there, I am not just sitting around complaining and not making an effort to change things.
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