Let me preface this with I am a Native Texan. I have had the privilege to live all over the world in places such as Singapore and Mexico City. I did not fall off the turnip truck yesterday but I think that the elected officials in Kansas not only fell off of the turnip truck but the truck then ran over them.
I realize that everyone has their price. I know that politicians all have their own agenda and being the voice of their constituents is very low on their radar.
Kansas has a capitol building full of fools and yes, I did cast my vote for one of them Greg Smith. I voted for him because he is/was a school teacher. I thought that he would be a great advocate for our failing school system. WRONG!! He is one of the biggest idiots right there with Gov. Sam Brownback the leader of Brownbackistan.
Greg Smith is a big failure as a voice of the people - http://midwestdemocracy.com/candidates/greg-smith/ he went in with his own agenda, don't they all, and has proposed several pieces of legislation that would benefit only him. Such as the bit on politicians being able to return to their same job at the same pay. There is already FMLA but Greg Smith choose to be in KS politics and it is not like he would have a hard time finding a teaching position, if he is any good at his job.
Smith ran on the pity vote. Several years ago one of his daughters was abducted and murdered. My youngest daughter had many classes with her. He actually used his deceased daughter's image and story on his mailings as well as the fact that he was a school teacher. He failed to mention that he has no interest in education in Kansas.
Lance Kinzer, my other 'voice' in Topeka did not get my vote. He and I had a very disturbing conversation on my front porch on day and he is no better than Brownback.
So what are some of the topics up for discussion this legislative session in the land of ugh?