Saturday, December 03, 2011

Bring Back Table Manners... PLEASE

It is just hubby and I at home now and we enjoy a meal out a couple of times a week, I use the word 'enjoy'  very loosely. Table manners have become so horrible that if my eyes stray from looking across the table at hubby or down at my plate .... I gag. I am so grossed out by what I see around me that it ruins not only my appetite but the entire dining out experience.

Being from the South we were taught manners from the moment we came into this world. Things like yes m'am, no sir, please, thank you and how to sit at the kitchen table and consume a meal in a pleasing way were part of our everyday life. I drove my parents and my brother crazy because I was like the table manners police; 'mom he's smacking his food', 'mom stuff is falling out of his mouth', he is talking with food in his mouth' etc. and on and on.

Due to my daddy's business we traveled and lived all over the world. We dined with dignitaries, were invited to dinner parties and mom did her fair share of entertaining so good manners were EXPECTED of my brother and me.

My girls were also taught how to sit at a table and eat a meal, how to cut the meat on their plates, the yes m'am no sir was difficult to maintain because it is not the norm here in Kansas.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Eggies.... Are They Really Worth the Trouble

I am a nut for all these infomercial things but can usually resist the urge to purchase all this crazy stuff. The Eggies kinda got me, they sucked me in, boiling eggs with these plastic cups is going to make my life easier. I did not buy mine online or through calling the 800 number I went to a large chain drug store and got a box of 6.

  • each Eggie has 4 plastic parts (they don't tell you this in the infomercial), it took me 5 minutes to get them put together
  • you MUST coat the inside or each Eggie with oil
  • as with most plastic items all of the pieces that are supposed to thread together.... don't
  • it is harder than hell to get a slimy cracked egg to go in to the little hole in the top of the Eggie
  • it took my Eggies 17 minutes to cook
  • they then have to cool for 10 mins. before you can take the little lid off -  quote from instruction page "Eggies will produce steam when boiled take caution when opening"
  • 3 of my Eggies had water in them so I had to strain the water out
  • only 2 of my Eggies popped right out of the little cup, I had to use a knife to cut them loose from the plastic cup
  • I have a horrible after taste in my mouth after eating one of my boiled eggs

Saturday, July 09, 2011

We Have a Responsibility As Adults to Protect

Our children are, or should be, our most precious gift. With all the hoopla over Casey Anthony and the murder (sorry I don't agree with the jury of her peers) of her daughter this epidemic needs to be brought to light, discussed and acted upon.

  • Almost five children die every day as a result of child abuse. More than three out of four are under the age of 4.
If you paid any attention to the trial of Casey Anthony you heard how dysfunctional the entire family is. True or not? As the mother of a daughter in her early 20's I know that it is often not smooth sailing, we both have strong personalities and I don't currently approve of her choice in boyfriend. So we have our share of discord but thank goodness there is not a child involved because if there was this too would be a dysfunctional home.

  • It is estimated that between 60-85% of child fatalities due to maltreatment are not recorded as such on death certificates.
There were problems in the Anthony home, concerning Caylee, that were detected by friends and family but went totally unreported. I feel pretty certain that Mrs. Anthony did not approve of Casey's lifestyle and was the primary caregiver for Caylee. There was a falling out between mom and daughter, Casey took off with Caylee and we all know the end result.

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Casey Anthony Walks, What Is This World Coming To

The American 'Justice' system is badly broken. Someone has killed a child and no one is convicted of it not even the last person to have the child. I personally think it was a lazy jury. How can you listen to over a month of testimony and make a decision in just a little over 10 hours?

These 12 people plus alternates were tired of listening to the testimony and hearing evidence. They were sequestered during all this time and missed their July 4th celebrations. They were being selfish and did not want to take the time to see that justice was done.

When you sit

Monday, May 23, 2011

Prayers Go Out To Joplin, Missouri - What Do You Need?

To all those affected by the horrendous tornado that tore through Joplin, Mo yesterday our thoughts and prayers are with you.

In the comments section you can post any needs that you have, family and friends have started gathering items and I will make a run to Joplin.

I will post when and where I will be with the requested items. We have quite a few items of clothing already.

Please let us know what you need and we will try our best to get it to you.

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

I have so many "issues" to comment on

I have a lot to say about several topics that have been bugs up my butt lately. I will give you a brief summary of topics I will address over the next couple of weeks.

  1. Idiot vets; as in the kind that are animal doctors - You will not believe this story
  2. Lack of manners among people especially in public - The ick factor
  3. Liars
  4. My amazing extended family and our recent family reunion in Louisiana
If you are ready for my screwed up views then these are must read topics.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Young Adult Children Should Come With an Instruction Book for Parents

I am one of those people who don't see the age of 21 as the magical age where a person becomes an adult. I guess legally yes, as a matter of fact according to most state laws they are adults at age 18. Granted some young adults of this age are prepared to venture out into the big world and live alone, earn a living, pay their own bills and make adult decisions but there are some who are too easily swayed by others to make these adult moves.

I love and adore my adult children. One is 32 and the other is 22, both female and amazing people. My oldest daughter was raised by me as a single parent, a young single parent age 18, she has always been very independent, has a lot of common sense and a survival instinct. My youngest daughter was born with my current husband, she is spoiled, never wanted for anything and just does not have that surviror blood she never needed to acquire it. My parents' live nearby and we have a lot of other family here which was not the case when my oldest was growing up.