Where in the hell is this woman?!?!? Her oldest child is having some type of mental breakdown and is locked up on a psych ward and she is holed up with her pregnant 16 year-old daughter. When did pregnancy become an illness? Being a slut is somewhat of a downfall but it looks like it runs in the gene pool.
If Brit were my child you could not keep me away from her side, or at least the hospital. Actually I would have been by her side throughout her whole ordeal. Shame on that woman, shame on her. She should be cast out amongst the tigers at the zoo and fed to them for lunch.
This is one screwed up family and frankly I have no sympathy for any of them.
I was married at 16 (I came from a wealthy family and wanted to escape), had my first child at 17, divorced on my 18Th birthday. Finished high school and got 2 college degrees. Not once did I go to my family for $$ or the state for aid.
I now have an amazing 30 year old daughter who is a teacher and mother of a now 7 year-old. My youngest is 19 and a cosmetologist. Both of my children I would lay my life on the line for. We all have an amazing relationship. I found out 8 years ago that my husband of 21 years had a 31 year-old daughter and we have embraced her as one of our own. She had a wretched childhood and is now in Iraq fighting George Bush's war.
For any mother to no do everything in her power to ensure her children are okay as adults, she has failed as a parent when they were growing up. But to then let them down in their time of need in adulthood is pathetic and beyond my comprehension.
This so called woman, I think of her as a breeder, says she "wants prayers." She needed prayers many years ago, they aren't going to do her any good now. Hopefully she will learn from the trials of her oldest daughter so that when the youngest goes through them after her bastard baby is born she will have some sense of what to do. 'Cause we all know how it will end up with the second child.....